De-Quervan’s Tenosynovitis is a condition that causes pain and swelling over the tendon and tendon sheath that supplies the thumb joint. It can be triggered or aggravated by cell phone texting. The thumb pain is worse with grasping and pinching. There can be cracking noises and a ‘catching’ or locking of the joint.
Quervain tenosynovitis is when the tendon gets entrapped within the first dorsal compartment at the wrist-(see picture on the right for the view of the compartment). The cause is due to acute and repetitive trauma or overuse. People who work with children and who lift them, especially babies, are often affected. The corticosteroid injection goes around the tendon and tendon sheath.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is the longest ligament in the body. Fasciitis involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). Plantar fasciitis commonly causes stabbing pain that happens with the first steps in the morning. Plantar fasciitis is more common in runners and those who are overweight, especially if there is inadequate shoe support. Flat feet, abnormal walking, prolonged standing, and increasing age are risk factors.
Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epiconylitis
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as “tennis elbow,” is a painful condition involving the tendons that attach to the bone on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow. Tendons transmit a muscle’s force to the bone. With lateral epicondylitis, there is degeneration of the tendon’s attachment, weakening the anchor site and placing greater stress on the area. This can lead to pain associated with activities in which this muscle is active, such as lifting, gripping and/or grasping. Repetitive use such as meat cutting, plumbing, painting, and auto-mechanic work are some causes. Trauma can lead to tendon breakdown.
Signs and Symptoms
Pain is located on the outside of the elbow, over the bone region known as the lateral epicondyle. This area can become tender to the touch. Pain is also produced by any activity which places stress on the tendon. The pain usually starts at the elbow and may travel down the forearm to the hand. Occasionally, any motion of the elbow can be painful.
Golfer’s Elbow- Medial Epicondylitis
Golfer’s elbow is a condition that causes pain where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain can spread into your forearm and wrist. It is similar to tennis elbow, which occurs on the outside of the elbow. It’s not limited to golfers. Tennis players and others who repeatedly use their wrists or clench their fingers also can develop golfer’s elbow. Causes include throwing sports, golfing, racket sports, weight lifting, construction, plumbing, and carpentry
Signs and symptoms include pain and tenderness, stiffness, tingling, burning, numbness, and weakness.
Trigger Thumb or Trigger Finger
The pain that comes from the repetitive movements of cellphone texting has been dubbed “smartphone thumb” by doctors. It is the result of diffuse growth of the tenosynovium, such as inflammatory arthritis, gout, or chronic infection. This process can extend further out on the thumb and, when severe, cause stiffness rather than intermittent triggering. It’s actually tendinitis, when the tendon that bends and flexes the thumb becomes inflamed. The hypotheses is that the joints get loose and lax from abnormal or excessive use of the thumbs, causing pain and eventual osteoarthritis.
Trigger finger (TF) is one of the most common causes of hand pain and disability as the flexor tendon causes painful popping or snapping as the patient flexes (bends) and extends the digit. The patient may present with a digit locked in a particular position, most often bent, which may require gentle, passive manipulation into full extension.
Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of TF are as follows:
- Locking or catching during active flexion-extension activity
- Stiff digit, especially in long-standing or neglected cases
- Pain over the distal palm
- Pain radiating along the finger
- Triggering on active or passive extension by the patient
- Able to feel a snapping sensation or crunching sound
- Tenderness
- Palpable nodule in the palm
- Fixed-flexion deformity in late presentations